Planteray Rum Team Challenge – Nordic Competition 2024
We’re looking for the best bar team in the Nordics.
To apply for the competition:
Create a cocktail together with a colleague. Please note that all rum in the cocktail must be Plantation/Planteray rum. We are looking for an exciting drink: give us garnish, funky glassware or whatever you can do to make it pop!
This will be a team challenge where 2 bartenders create the drink. Multiple duos per venue can join. We support mixing teams with junior and senior staff (if applicable)!
Send your cocktail to aatu.stahlhammar@norex.fi. And/or upload your cocktail and recipe to Instagram and tag @rumjonarum #planterayteamchallenge
Join with your venue for Tropical Week. List your cocktail during April. Up to local market to decide to use.
The best cocktails will be selected to compete in the regional finals at 15.4. @ Bar Mate
Rules for the competition:
- Make the cocktail you applied with, in front of the jury.
- Entertain us! Don’t come up with stories about how your grandmother inspired you or how your cocktail is going to save the planet. We want fun, action, fire, music/singing or whatever it takes to give us a show while presenting! Entertainment is the biggest part of the score.
- No restrictions on batching, carbonating or whatever. But remember we want to be entertained and nothing like a good shake, throw or stir to entertain.
- It’s a team challenge so work together!
- Max. 8 min per presentation.
- Scoring:
- 40 % entertainment and presentation
- 25 % flavour
- 20 % looks of the cocktail
- 15 % teamwork
Regional final in Bar Mate on the 15 of April.
The winners will come to Helsinki, Finland on the 13th of May for the grand finals to represent their country and have a chance to become the best barduo of the Nordics. The grand winners will win a trip of a lifetime to the birthplace of rum: Barbados!
Let´s have some fun!
Check out this video for some inspiration, to see what we’re looking for!
For more information contact aatu.stahlhammar@norex.fi or marika.makkonen@norex.fi